Sunday, March 20, 2016

Lost a Soul ..

Warning : This isn't gonna be a very happy, lovely incident.

My pet dog "Naughty" passed away on 26th December'15 due to severe infection in his ear.
My aunt told me that he might have a day or two left to live, as soon as I heard those words I cried non stop the whole day.

The doctor had asked us to give him an injection and out him to sleep rather than making him suffer. Which I just wasn't ready to do. When I saw him sat in front of me coughing a lot I couldn't handle his pain either. so all of us just let him go. The night before I gave him all his treats and he was cuddled up with me in bed.  The next morning was dreadful his day to leave all of us...

I met him and let my aunt take him to the doctor. I just couldn't be in the house at all.

For some people its just a pet but for me I lost a family member with whom I've spent 9 years of my life with but the main issue that I've been growing through is that my memories with him has gone well, most of them not all.

I cry every single night before sleeping just feel so alone. I don't know how be okay,,,
I don't know why I'm writing this post while literally crying but just so depressed.
He was the most precious soul, closest to me and it all got over in just a matter of a few days..

Sorry for all the negativity just had to put my thoughts down somewhere!

Will be back soon.

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