Sunday, March 20, 2016

Lost a Soul ..

Warning : This isn't gonna be a very happy, lovely incident.

My pet dog "Naughty" passed away on 26th December'15 due to severe infection in his ear.
My aunt told me that he might have a day or two left to live, as soon as I heard those words I cried non stop the whole day.

The doctor had asked us to give him an injection and out him to sleep rather than making him suffer. Which I just wasn't ready to do. When I saw him sat in front of me coughing a lot I couldn't handle his pain either. so all of us just let him go. The night before I gave him all his treats and he was cuddled up with me in bed.  The next morning was dreadful his day to leave all of us...

I met him and let my aunt take him to the doctor. I just couldn't be in the house at all.

For some people its just a pet but for me I lost a family member with whom I've spent 9 years of my life with but the main issue that I've been growing through is that my memories with him has gone well, most of them not all.

I cry every single night before sleeping just feel so alone. I don't know how be okay,,,
I don't know why I'm writing this post while literally crying but just so depressed.
He was the most precious soul, closest to me and it all got over in just a matter of a few days..

Sorry for all the negativity just had to put my thoughts down somewhere!

Will be back soon.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Precious Gift : Dad

This is my first ever blog post or even me writing anything. I have always wanted to write a book but I don't think that I would be able to and what it would be about..
This blog is all about my thoughts on a dreadful thing that happened to me which I don't share with a lot of people but here I am.. that is, my dad's death.
I know this is a very weird or odd topic to start your very first blog. But well midnight thoughts... and as it was his death anniversary a few days ago so topic still in mind.
It's undoubtedly very difficult for me. There are a lot of things which people do not understand.
People have given me statements like : "Grow Up, you're 18 now.. it happened a long time ago, Move On" OR "People have it worse than you, you lost your dad when you were 13 but many people go through this even before that age" etc.. well to this I can respond in many ways but I don't know if its worth my time. But I would like to add that telling someone they can't be sad because others have it worse is like telling someone they can't be happy because others have it better. And it's not that easy.. the saying "You won't know until you step in the other person's shoe" is absolutely correct.
#No one else would feel the pain.
#No one else would miss the precious moments you shared.
#No one else would feel the emptiness. So its pointless in thinking that people would understand.
And to add onto this, there are a lot of people who sympathize as well or try and support you. There are very few of them but yes just to let you know. We do appreciate that a lot.
I saw a video of a famous British YouTuber Louise ( )  she shared a lot of stuff about her mother who passed away because of cancer. After watching that I felt the need to share my point of view on a few things so that people who are just like me or going through the same thing would have some kind of support.

I hope you find it helpful instead of thinking of me cribbing. And let me know if you appreciate me being honset so that in future I would be pumped to write more on happy moments of my life as well.